Chair Notes – March 2022

Dear esteemed members and colleagues,

February was a great month for our Section as it marked our first in-person event since 2020! Master glass artist, Kathleen Mitchell, treated us to a special experience at the Chemistry and Art of Glass. Participants learned about the chemical principles of glass and some of the techniques that turn raw materials into a work of art. I would like to thank the National ACS, for funding my Innovative Project Grant, which made the event possible. Hopefully, the COVID surge will continue to recede, so we can get back to doing more in-person events.

Dear esteemed members and colleagues,

February was a great month for our Section as it marked our first in-person event since 2020! Master glass artist, Kathleen Mitchell, treated us to a special experience at the Chemistry and Art of Glass. Participants learned about the chemical principles of glass and some of the techniques that turn raw materials into a work of art. I would like to thank the National ACS, for funding my Innovative Project Grant, which made the event possible. Hopefully, the COVID surge will continue to recede, so we can get back to doing more in-person events.

I hope you were able to make it to our February lecture. Georgetown University Professor Emeritus, Charles Weiss, delivered a thought-provoking lecture on Steering Science and Technology to Ensure Human Survival, which inspired a lively discussion during the question-and-answer session. Our next monthly lecture will feature one of our local talents. Professor Yong Yan from San Diego State University will introduce us to his fascinating and innovative research. Dr. Yan will discuss how he uses solar cell materials as catalysts to cheaply and efficiently synthesize pharmaceutically-important molecules. You won’t want to miss it!

Of course, my March address would not be complete without mentioning the upcoming National Meeting (March 20-24). Chemists and chemistry enthusiasts from around the country and beyond will converge on our great city. During those four days, San Diego will be the official hub for the cutting-edge of all things chemistry. I hope I will run into you there! By the way, if you would like to schmooze with the ACS community and serve as an ambassador for our Section, we need volunteers to assist in running our table at the National Meeting. Contact Jackie Trishman if you can spare some time to help.

Are you looking for a STEM-themed event that is great for kids? Super STEM Saturday will be held on Saturday, March 12 from 10 AM to 4 PM at CSU San Marcos. Our Local Section will have a table there. We will run a fun activity called polyurethane foam monsters. If you would like to help run the activity at the Local Section table, contact me. If you would like to work with the event organizers, you can use the form below to sign up as a volunteer.

Lastly, if you are hesitant to venture outside but would like to help our Local Section, we need virtual proctors for the upcoming Chemistry Olympiad. The Local Section Exam will be held on March 26 and 27 from 12 PM to 2 PM. Contact Joan Schellinger for detailsThis volunteer opportunity is limited to local section members only.

I hope you all have a wonderful and chemistry-filled month of March.

With gratitude,

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