

Chair Notes – May 2024

Dear esteemed members,

I hope this message finds you all in great spirits and with a sense of fulfillment from our recent endeavors. I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the incredible volunteers who dedicated their time and effort to make our recent participation in the annual Creek to Bay Cleanup, hosted by I Heart and Clean San Diego, a success! I would especially like to thank, Juan Gonzalez-Gonzalez for being a stellar leader in conducting our ACS group at the Mission Valley site of the clean up. Over in Chula Vista, my group successfully planted more than 50 Chollas cacti, a native plant to the Otay region that is also the preferred home of the endangered cactus wren.

Chair Notes – April 2024

Dear esteemed members,

As we step into the blooming month of April, I would like to extend warm greetings to each of you. It's an exciting time for our community as we embrace the changing seasons and look forward to Earth Week. I welcome you to consider joining our Local Section in giving back to our community by participating in the annual Creek to Bay Cleanup hosted by I Love a Clean San Diego, on April 20. Many times, planned events can result in the generation of much waste, so I am eager to promote an activity where we can give back to our beautiful surroundings. You can register to participate in any of our two events: Chula Vista-Otay Valley Regional Park or Mission Valley-San Diego River.

Chair Notes – March 2024

Pleasant greetings, San Diego!

If you celebrated it, I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and the chance to spend time with loved ones. I’d also like to extend an invitation to our next social event on Thursday, April 4th. “Tap Into Beer Chemistry with White Labs” is a delight to look forward to, as we will tour the brilliant brewing facilities at White Labs, taste some of their original brews, and connect with each other through a social hour with food provided. If you’ve been wanting an opportunity to meet others with a passion for beer, chemistry, or both, chatting over a glass at White Labs is what I’d call a perfect way to achieve that.

Chair Notes – February 2024

Pleasant greetings, San Diego!

As you’re reading this, can you believe that January is over already? It feels like just a couple of days ago, we were counting down the final seconds of 2023, prepared to eat our grapes (if you can relate) to promise good luck, and awaken the next day with a brand new start to grow even stronger than in the years past. As we march into February, I am delighted to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you.

Chair Notes – January 2024

Dear San Diego ACS Community,

I am honored to address you as the newly appointed Chair of your ACS San Diego Local Section! As I step into this role, I am both filled with overwhelming gratitude and a deep sense of responsibility to help shape the development of our community. It is a privilege to lead an organization with such a rich history of innovation, excellence, and dedication.

Chair Notes – December 2023

Dear esteemed members,

It has been an honor to serve as your Local Section Chair for the past two years. With the privilege the position afforded me, I was able to connect with hundreds of our fellow members and chemists across the country in meaningful ways. Moreover, this experience helped me become a better listener, and, in turn, a better leader.

Chair Notes – November 2023

Dear esteemed members,

This year’s National Chemistry Week theme was the Healing Power of Chemistry. The San Diego Local Section likely exemplifies this theme better than any other Local Section. This month, we feature a flagship event you will not want to miss. Join us for Process Chemistry in the Development of KRAS Drugs on Tuesday, November 7th at 4 PM at the Novartis Research Foundation ...

Chair Notes – October 2023

Dear esteemed members, Lots of exciting things are happening in our Local Section. Did you make it out to the Annual Picnic? We had over 90 attendees, which surpassed our typical pre-pandemic attendance! I had such a great time meeting…